A great and important success to all the couples from the Philippines, who are in the process of annulment of marriage:
A mixed couple, an Israeli man and a Filipino woman that are living 12 years together turned to us. They tried to receive a fiancée visa from the Ministry of the Interior but couldn’t receive it because the Ministry demanded that she’ll annul her previous marriage in the Philippines. Because of the difficulties, she was forced to live in Israel without a status for 6 years!
After they turned to us, we succeeded getting her an entry visa in order to travel to the Philippines and advance the annulment of marriage, and today after hard work – we succeeded getting her a work visa and recognition of their relationship!
This is an important achievement that indicates how to help a couple’s case and to overcome the difficulties that can appear.
The lawyer who was in charge of the case is Adv. Michael Cohen-Ad, that also received a special thanks from the couple, and here it is.
Looking for official recognition of your relationship and residence visas? Contact us!