Nava and Sandro’s love story began on Facebook in early 2021. After the exciting wedding in Brazil in July 2022, Nava came to us for help in bringing Sandro to Israel. With a lot of goodwill, we were able to get him a quick entry permit without an interview. He arrived in Israel on October 3, just before the war. As soon as the bureau opened, he received a type B/1 work visa. The couple went through an interview at the end of March, after which they received an A/5 visa and an identity card. Nava and Sandro’s story illustrates how professional and dedicated legal support can make the process much simpler and faster. We wish the lovely couple much happiness and success in their new path in Israel!
Adv. Adi Greenfeld from our office handled the case with great dedication. Need legal assistance in the field of immigration and status adjustment? Contact us today.