אשרות עבודה

Conversion to Judaism and Aliyah

Conversion – Every Jew is entitled to make Aliyah to Israel; conversion leads to the acquisition of Israeli citizenship without delay. This right also extends to the spouses of Jews, as well as the children and grandchildren of Jews and their spouses. But who is considered a Jew? How can Jewish identity be proven? What about other family members? Is it possible to bring them to Israel even if they are not eligible for status? This matter is complex, and sometimes contacting the Ministry of Interior results in inaccurate responses, while professional evaluation may reveal that status and rights are indeed justified.

Thanks to the legal work of our firm, it is now possible to undergo a private conversion in Israel and obtain Israeli citizenship through it!

We handle the arrangement of sincere conversions for those who wish to join the Jewish people and assist in regularizing their status in Israel.

**The Law of Return** in Israel states that every Jew has the right to immigrate to Israel. According to the law, a Jew is someone born to a Jewish mother or someone who has converted, and who is not a member of another religion. Until 2016, the Ministry of Interior only recognized conversions conducted in Israel by the state conversion system for the purpose of granting new immigrant status. This created discrimination against converts and religious courts not included in the system, including converts who are not citizens or permanent residents because they did not meet the required criteria for state conversion. This situation led to the absurdity where private rabbinical court conversions were recognized for certain purposes (such as marriage and registration), but not for the purpose of granting new immigrant status.


However, in recent years, and in part due to the efforts of our firm, the courts have begun to gradually recognize additional conversion processes. For example, the court ruled that Orthodox conversions conducted outside of Israel can be recognized. Later, it was also determined that Reform and Conservative conversions conducted outside of Israel would also be recognized. In addition to recognizing conversions conducted abroad, the court also recognized private Orthodox conversions performed in Israel for the purpose of the Law of Return. Another significant ruling in this matter came in 2021, when it was determined that Reform or Conservative conversions performed in Israel would now also be recognized concerning the right of return.


These changes in the law indeed expand the possibilities for submitting applications for status under the Law of Return, but to get the full picture and avoid conflicting or confusing information, it is essential to consult a law firm specializing in immigration and status regularization in Israel.


Many of our clients have been recognized and granted Israeli citizenship after converting in Israel.


Contact us today to schedule an initial consultation, during which we will review the materials at your disposal and outline the right and most suitable strategy for your needs, ensuring that the process is completed as quickly as possible and to your full satisfaction

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