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Welcome to Tomer Warsha – Asaf Weitzen, Advocates Law Firm

Israel’s leading and most prominent law firm specializing in the fields of Immigration Law and and Regularization of Status in the State of Israel.




Natan Yerushalmi, an 11-year-old Israeli boy, born and raised in Israel, may be deported to Poland with his mother by the Immigration Authority. This is despite the fact that all the professional parties recommend that he remain in Israel for his benefit, and his deep connection to the state – speaks Hebrew, studies in school here and wants to enlist in the IDF. Attorney Tomer Warsha, who represents the family, is fighting a legal battle against the deportation: “It is not clear why the authority demands to deport an Israeli child who has also been recommended by professional authorities to remain in Israel.


“Why does the country that my son serves in its army want to deport me?” – Elsie from the Philippines wonders, as she was forced to say goodbye to her soldier son just because she is a foreign citizen. Timmy from the Netherlands is facing deportation despite his son soon enlisting in the IDF. This is a completely absurd situation where families are uprooted due to heartless bureaucracy. Parents whose children fight for the country are cruelly deported from it. Attorney Tomer Warsha is trying to fight the unjust procedure. Read the full article and personal stories


A message to nursing patients and caregivers – We continue to work for you in full force in the Knesset committees, so that you can choose the caregivers you want without restrictions! Alongside the transverse work, it is important to submit individual requests and manage procedures for regulating the status of caregivers. If you also need to settle the status of a caregiver, contact us immediately. Deadline’s coming up.


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